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Providing Power For A Family In Need: Powering Chicago’s 2022 MLK Day of Service

Every year, Cook County’s unionized electrical industry looks to recognize the legacy and contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by hosting a community breakfast. While COVID-19 has made in-person gatherings difficult in the recent past, Powering Chicago electricians have continued to find creative ways to keep giving back — from conducting home inspections to completing electrical work for community members in need. 

This year, Powering Chicago Executive Director Elbert Walters III and members of IBEW Local 134 assisted a family by restoring power and conducting electrical work within their home. The Johnson family’s home required electrical repairs and special accommodations for their son with special healthcare needs, which Walters, Local 134 business representative Darren Byrd and a team of electricians were happy to provide. 

Walters and Byrd first conducted an inspection of the property to determine power issues and assess electrical needs. Then, the five-man team — which included electricians Thomas Green, Markus McCoy and Paul Cavitt — visited the home to make necessary repairs. By the time the job was complete, the Powering Chicago team had repaired a loss of power to three bathrooms, a second-story bedroom and a portion of the basement. 

“This was a worthy project for our day of service because this is what it’s all about: helping families who otherwise couldn’t afford to do this without the help of Local 134 electricians,” said Byrd. 

As with all other day of service projects, the project was completed for free, and work was done on a volunteer basis. Byrd, who headed up the project, said it was “perfect timing” that he and other Local 134 electricians were able to help a family in need on such a historic day.

“At Local 134, when we do things like this to help our neighbors in our community, we enjoy it a lot,” said Byrd. “It’s volunteer work, and we’re happy to do it, because we understand how fortunate we are to be a part of this union.” 

While Walters, Byrd and the team were eager to offer help during the 2022 day of service, their work simply reflects Powering Chicago’s ongoing commitment to service all year round — a commitment which, much like the legacy of Dr. King himself, only grows with time.