Maximizing Your Solar Investment: A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting the Right Solar Contractor
- Posted: October 2, 2023
- better construction, IBEW Local 134, qualified solar contractor, Renewable Energy, Safety, Solar, Solar eBook, solar energy systems, solar fact sheet, Solar installation, solar installer, Training

To ensure the success of your solar project, begin by finding an experienced electrical contractor with expertise in design, engineering, procurement, installation, and maintenance. When selecting a solar contractor, it is critical to verify their credentials and confirm that they hold their distributed generation installer certification. Additionally, working with a single service provider can minimize coordination efforts and streamline the process.
Understanding permit requirements is crucial, especially in Chicago. It is necessary to choose an electrical contractor with a licensed supervising electrician on staff to obtain an electrical permit in the city and suburbs.
Requesting details and references is essential to gain confidence in the contractor’s abilities. This includes information about their previous solar projects, insurance coverage, warranties on work and equipment, and their license status.
Differentiating between signatory and non-signatory contractors is also vital. Signatory contractors affiliated with Powering Chicago employ highly-trained IBEW Local 134 electricians who receive up-to-date training in safety protocols and the latest solar installation techniques. In contrast, non-signatory contractors without union affiliation may have less experience and safety training, potentially resulting in incorrect or unsafe installations.
For a more comprehensive guide on selecting a solar contractor, download our Tips for Hiring a Solar Contractor Fact Sheet.