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Lincoln Yards takes a major step forward

Sterling Bay is a key step closer to winning as much as $1.3 billion in public subsidies that would help make its Lincoln Yards megaproject a reality.

In a victory for the Chicago developer on its quest for city approval to redraw 55 acres along the North Branch of the Chicago River with a $6 billion vision for a mixed-use campus, the city’s Community Development Commission unanimously approved the creation of a new 168-acre tax-increment financing district meant to improve access to Sterling Bay’s site between Lincoln Park and Bucktown.

With the blessing for the proposed Cortland/Chicago River TIF district in hand from the mayoral-appointed panel, Sterling Bay is poised to potentially get final approval from the City Council next month for one of the most ambitious projects ever concocted for the city’s North Side. While Sterling Bay last month won zoning approval for Lincoln Yards from the Chicago Plan Commission, the developer is separately seeking public subsidies from the new TIF district to cover infrastructure costs.

If the TIF is approved by the Chicago Plan Commission at a meeting on Thursday and ultimately by the City Council, property tax gains generated by the Lincoln Yards development in the years ahead would be used to reimburse Sterling Bay for certain infrastructure investments.

The city’s Department of Planning & Development estimates there will be $900 million in TIF-eligible projects within the district, which is the number planning officials presented during today’s five-hour CDC meeting. But planning department Commissioner David Reifman told reporters after the meeting that figure doesn’t include interest that Sterling Bay and any other future developers would pay to finance those projects. Those financing costs could total as much as $400 million, bringing the projected total to $1.3 billion that could be paid out from property tax gains generated within the district.

The first phase of Sterling Bay’s projects would total $490 million, planning officials said. That would include $160 million for new vehicular bridges at Armitage Avenue, Dominick Street and Concord Place, $110 million for the reconfiguration of the Elston-Armitage-Ashland intersection and $96 million in new roads and utilities, according to the TIF budget. Another $54 million would be used for “roadway improvements,” $45 million for riverwall reconstruction and $25 million for the extension of the 606 bike trail under the Kennedy Expressway and over to Lincoln Yards, according to the budget.

Future phases of new infrastructure that could be funded with TIF money would go beyond the $490 million and include things like a new multimodal Metra station and construction of a transit way rail line that could run from Lincoln Yards south to Union Station, according to the planning department. The budget for the new TIF district also includes $100 million for things like site preparations and legal work for TIF-eligible projects within the district, as well as job training programs and affordable housing projects beyond those met by Sterling Bay’s Lincoln Yards affordable housing requirement.

Ald. Brian Hopkins, whose 2nd Ward includes the proposed TIF district, reiterated his support for the Lincoln Yards project and the TIF during today’s meeting in the City Council chambers.

“We need traffic and transit improvements in the neighborhood I represent today, we need three new bridges over the Chicago River to accommodate the existing traffic conditions today—we can’t afford another delay,” Hopkins said. “We can’t wait any longer. The time to act is now and the time to move forward is now.”

In approving the new TIF district, which would run along the the river generally bounded by Webster, North, Clybourn and Elston avenues, the CDC defied a push by some community residents and aldermen to postpone a vote, arguing the TIF designation is being rushed through before pro-development Mayor Rahm Emanuel leaves office in May.

Lincoln Park Ald. Michele Smith, 43rd, testified during the CDC meeting that there was an “insulting” lack of transparency in certain details of the TIF proposal and called for the city to review Cook County assessments of Sterling Bay’s Lincoln Yards land. Smith said questions should be raised given Sterling Bay’s previous business ties to embattled Ald. Ed Burke, 14th, whose Klafter & Burke law firm until recently represented the developer in appealing property taxes at some of its properties. Federal authorities last month charged Burke with attempted extortion for allegedly trying to land business for his firm from a local Burger King franchisee that needed him to sign off on permits for work at the restaurant.

Smith said reductions in property taxes for some Lincoln Yards sites were not merited and they lowered the figure on which the property tax gains in the district will be based. If the TIF district is created, property taxes would be frozen at the current level, and any increment beyond that level would be earmarked for TIF-eligible projects.

“The assessment of these properties must be reviewed before billions of taxpayer dollars are handed over to developers,” Smith said, noting the properties could be drastically reassessed by recently elected Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi.

The dozens of attendees who spoke during the CDC meeting offered a mix of support and opposition. Most supporters came from local union and labor groups that lauded the 10,000 construction jobs and 24,000 permanent jobs Sterling Bay estimates will be created as part of the development of Lincoln Yards. Several North Side residents who spoke out against the plan were concerned with the impact Lincoln Yards will have on the surrounding communities and the levels of affordable housing that will be part of the project.

“Anything of this size is never going to be unanimous either way,” Hopkins said during the meeting. “It seems the opponents tend to make the most noise, but that doesn’t mean they speak for the neighborhood. In many cases they don’t.”

Sterling Bay still has a formidable challenge ahead in getting the City Council to approve its project. The next big hurdle is the City Council zoning committee, which could review the proposal next month.

That step of the process got a little more complicated last month when former zoning committee chairman Ald. Danny Solis, 25th, stepped down from his post on Jan. 29 in the wake of a political scandal. New zoning chair Ald. James Cappleman, 46th, said he would need to see some significant changes to the Lincoln Yards proposal before getting on board.

One key request was that he wanted to require Sterling Bay to put more affordable housing within the boundaries of Lincoln Yards. The version of the plan approved by the Chicago Plan Commission on Jan. 24 called for the developer to meet affordable housing requirements by putting 25 percent of its 1,200 planned affordable units on site at Lincoln Yards. The rest of the requirement would be met in two ways: First, Sterling Bay would pay $39 million to the city’s low-income housing trust fund to benefit affordable housing elsewhere in the city. That payment would be in lieu of another 25 percent of the housing requirement, which is an option for developers. The remaining 50 percent could come from a combination of affordable housing within three miles of Lincoln Yards and more payments in lieu of affordable housing.

Cappleman also said he wanted to see more community support for the latest version of the project, which was passed by the plan commission just five days after it was released publicly. Since then, at least 11 aldermen have said publicly that they planned to vote against the Lincoln Yards proposal barring significant changes.