The Future is Bright for this renewable energy workforce in training, thanks to the Illinois IBEW Renewable Energy Fund’s Summer Solar Program
- Posted: October 5, 2023
- better careers, better construction, IBEW Local 134, IBEW Local 134 Signatory Contractor, IBEW-NECA Technical Institute, Illinois IBEW Renewable Energy Fund, pre-apprentices, Renewable Energy, Safety, Solar installation, solar safety, Solar Training, Summer Solar Program
The renewable energy transition is underway in Illinois, bringing new opportunities like the IBEW Local 134 apprenticeship to diverse populations throughout Cook County. This summer, the Illinois IBEW Renewable Energy Fund (REF) continued its successful Summer Solar Program, training 81 students from Chicago’s historically underserved communities in the solar installers craft apprenticeship program. Graduates gained hands-on training on how to install solar energy systems, and after additional training at the IBEW-NECA Technical Institute (IN-Tech), they will be ready to work on renewable energy projects at job sites across the state.
The Illinois IBEW Renewable Energy Fund (REF) promotes the safe, productive and sustainable growth of renewable energy systems in Illinois through community partnerships, stakeholder engagement and educational services. The REF facilitates the Craft Apprenticeship Program to empower and engage the next generation of electricians and renewable energy workers with an emphasis on and goal to increase the adoption of renewable energy systems. To date, the program has successfully trained more than 2,450 individuals. Partner organizations, community colleges, and high and junior high schools will have the opportunity to offer specific job training to individuals who then can apply and enter into IBEW apprenticeship programs throughout the State of Illinois.
REF training partnerships include: Cook County Department of Corrections, Chicago Federation of Labor, Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA), National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project, and Illinois Solar Schools. The REF is currently offering training programs at City Colleges of Chicago, Triton College, Moraine Valley Community College, and a number of Chicago high schools including: Chicago Builds, Prosser Career Academy, Benito Juarez Community Academy, Leo Catholic High School and Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences.
A bright future awaits these CPS Graduates choosing a path in the skilled trades
The Summer Solar Program demonstrates the bright future ahead for these CPS graduates and IBEW Local 134 trainees as we move to more renewable energy sources like solar.
“Hitting Illinois’ sustainability goals requires skilled workers to build and maintain renewable infrastructure. Programs like this empower communities by giving people pathways to good careers installing and maintaining clean energy,” Lindsey Richards, Chicago Public Schools – CTE Academy Coordinator said.
For graduates, the program was life-changing. They gained career skills to support themselves and their families. The hands-on training with industry equipment gave them the confidence to start working right away.
“I’m here to be a better man, to have a career, not just like a job or a degree or something. So that’s something that’s going to be with me forever. This career will do that for me,” Bruno Rodriguez, Illinois IBEW Renewable Energy Fund (REF) Summer Solar Program Graduate said.
Bringing together the IBEW Local 134 brother and sisterhood
Just as important, the program brought together the IBEW Local 134 community. They formed bonds with instructors and classmates who will continue supporting their careers.
“You don’t get the companionship anywhere else. You really feel like everyone really is not annoyed for you asking questions or asking for help,” Rodriguez said.
The program was also impactful for instructors like Joe Kilcoyne, Business Representative, IBEW Local 134 and Illinois IBEW REF Treasurer. Instructors like Kilcoyne are proud to pass on electrical expertise honed over decades.
“IBEW and Local 134 set the standard for electrical work, and this is what we do best. This is what we’ve been training on for a really long time. We have instructors who understand electrical systems and how they’re built, how they’re safely built, how they’re efficiently built,” Kilcoyne said.
Now, these instructors are guiding the next generation, who will carry this tradition forward.
“We did a practice installation with solar modules. In two short weeks, we took them from maybe never having touched this kind of equipment before to working with us and understanding the capabilities of it and getting that system assembled and complete,” Kilcoyne added.
Importance of Illinois’ workforce development funding and support
For Illinois’ policymakers, this program shows the importance of continued support. Ongoing workforce development ensures Illinois has the skilled labor needed to meet policy goals. State leaders have recognized this by funding solar training initiatives like the Illinois Solar for All program. Strong turnout for the Illinois IBEW REF Summer Solar Program, including all-time high enrollment this summer from historically underserved communities, proves the demand is there and that young people understand renewable energy’s future potential and want to be part of it.
“I’m really working and networking to make new connections for our kids because that’s what it’s all about, right? It’s the next generation. Who’s going to be in the union? Who’s going to take on the infrastructure of America? And really, think about what community building looks like in a sustainable and renewable way,” Lindsey Richards, Chicago Public Schools – CTE Academy Coordinator said.
Most of all, the Summer Solar Program gives students an introduction to the training standards needed for renewable energy system installation. Solar and other renewable energy systems require an expert understanding of electricity in order to meet electrical code standards. The REF craft apprenticeship program provided students an opportunity for hands-on training at the high school level and see firsthand what a career in renewable energy can offer.
There is great excitement about what comes next for these graduates. They gain knowledge and hands-on skills that will fuel lifelong careers. They will have ongoing support and mentoring as part of the IBEW Local 134 community. The renewable energy transition will continue accelerating in Illinois, and this new cohort is ready to lead the way. To build the infrastructure we need, Powering Chicago is proud to partner with and support the Illinois IBEW REF by investing in our skilled local workforce.