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Continental Electric Is Growing its Solar Business to Meet Growing Demand


As an aviation radio technician in the US Marine Corps, Cesar Romo specialized in working with electronics. When departing the Marines, Cesar’s background in electronics piqued his interest in a career as an electrician. After meeting a union retiree who told him about IBEW Local 134, Cesar joined the apprenticeship program in 1998 and is now a senior project manager at Continental Electric.

His passion for continuous learning and a can-do attitude has accelerated his career. As a result, Cesar was assigned to Continental Electric’s new solar department.

“There’s been a learning curve and more things we’ve been doing throughout the years,” said Romo. “The more we’ve done, the more I’ve learned and it’s more of a hobby now, I love it.”

Continental Electric recently installed solar panels within Consolidated High School District 230, but schools represent a small portion of the current solar demand. Commercial buildings and box stores are accounting for most of the current demand and Romo doesn’t see demand diminishing anytime soon.

“It’s going to keep growing with the incentives that the state has, and also at the federal level. You’re seeing incentives across the board” said Romo.

To optimize energy efficiency, the organization should identify their annual energy need, then the electrical contractor can use software to calculate the yearly production of the given system. The goal is to produce the same amount of energy that the organization needs — no more, no less. 

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