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IBEW Local 134 Trainees Receive Credentials to Start Work

Just before the Fourth of July holiday, roughly 25 IBEW trainees received their credentials and job placements to begin work for Powering Chicago contractors alongside IBEW Local 134 journeymen and women electricians.

The trainees, who had just completed a week-long orientation, graduated on Friday and will begin work the following Monday.

During a 30-minute ceremony, IBEW/NECA training director, Gene Kent, presented each electrician with their IBEW 134 button, work credentials, and job site location. From there, the trainees will report to work Monday morning.

“First of all, congratulations on behalf of Don Finn and the contractors,”  Kent said. “You made it. You’re the next generation and we want you all to succeed.”

These trainees have worked through the Chicago Builds program and will now complete their trainee program before potentially joining IBEW Local 134 as first-year apprentices. The trainee program is the first step to becoming a journeyman or woman electrician.

“This isn’t just a job or a career,” Kent said. “This can be a lifestyle if you want. You can go to union meetings, participate in outreach and community efforts, and donate your time.”

Each trainee will report to work on Monday with a credential that allows them to work on a union job site.